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Amendment ¹ 2 to guide on handling vessels at PJSC "NCSP" terminals



Data sheet confirming technical fitness of PJSC “NCSP” Sheskharis Terminal, Pier 5, Pier 4


Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port PJSC performs the following operations and services within the limits of its territory and aquatic area on the basis of contracts (agreements) with shipowners or marine agents, freight owners or freight owners/agents, freighters and other Customers:


à) loading, unloading (including stowage), separation, fastening, unfastening of cargo, dry cleaning of cargo spaces after unloading of vessels put in port;
b) forwarding services;
c) cargo storage and storage operations;
d) transfer of cargos from road and rail transport to sea transport and back transfer;
e) loading / unloading of vessels at anchorage;
f) loading of cargos into containers and container discharge;
g) export of oil and oil products transfer through berths of Oil District and bunkering of vessels with fuel on berths of Oil District, jetty No. 5;
h) issue of bills of lading, manifests, execution of cargo and other shipping documents;
i) conveyance of passengers, rendering services to passengers;
j) mooring operations.


To provide the above services, NCSP PJSC uses specialized complexes, machinery and equipment and general-use berths with covered storage facilities and open area storages.

NCSP PJSC renders services in loading, unloading, yardage, storage, and transport-forwarding agent's cargo servicing on the basis of contracts concluded with freight owners or their authorized representatives.

Customer's written application serves as the basis for preparation and drawing up of contracts.

To conclude a contract for loading-unloading operations with NCSP PJSC, it is necessary to supply the following data to the port:

1. Full business name of legal entity on behalf of which the contract will be signed, with specification of the following details and enclosure of notarized documents (including the following documents translated into Russian and signed / attested by a consular authority — for foreign firms):


For foreign firmsFor agencies of foreign firms and for Russian companies
- legal and mailing addresses- legal and mailing addresses,
- telephone, fax, e-mail- telephone, fax, e-mail,
- full name of bank- codes of All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations , All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities Types
- full address of bank: building number, street, city, post code, country, bank branch- full name of bank and city of its location, BIC ? of bank
- SWIFT (and other codes of bank)- settlement account with bank
- number of account with bank- correspondent account
- IBAN for banks of European Union- Articles of Association or a document of the same legal force
- correspondent bank (address, SWIFT)- a document which confirms legal address (certificate of title, contract of lease)
- Certificate of registry or extract from Marine Trade Register- a document which records entrance into Stare ? Registry
- Power of Attorney for a person authorized to sign the contract/ agreement- Power of Attorney for a representative authorized to sign the contract/ agreement signed by CEO and chief accountant
- Certificate of registration with tax authority

2. A letter issued by a bank, confirming existence of company's accounts with such bank, which should include all the above bank information.

3. An order issued by the company's CEO or Power of Attorney.

To perform their own operations in the customs area of NCSP PJSC, the Customer should obtain a written permit issued by Novorossiysk Customs in compliance with Customs Code of the Russian Federation.

Appendix No. 1

for conclusion of loading-unloading operations contracts with NCSP PJSC

Introductory part of letter addressed to Joint Commercial Directorate


1. Description of cargo and its code in accordance with Foreign Economic Activity Commodity Nomenclature

1.2. General description of cargo and its qualitative and transportation characteristics.

1.3. Availability of declarations and certificates.

2. Period of arrival of cargo to the port.

3. Volume of transshipments over a calendar year.

4. Volume of shipload lots.

5. Requirements for storage of cargo at the port and special conditions to cargo storage.

6. Periods and intensity of accumulation of shipload lots.

7. Type of delivery/ pickup of cargo to/from port.

8. Presence of contract relations with cooperating enterprises.

9. Description of consignor.

10. Description of consignee.

11. Description of forwarding agent, its legal address, telephone, fax.

12. Description of a legal entity, legal entity's address, telephones, fax, banking details, codes (Taxpayer Identification Number, KPP code, codes of All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities Types, All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations ), on behalf of which the contract will be signed; last, first, middle names of CEO.



1. NCSP PJSC considers capability of performance of the loading-unloading operations on the basis of the standard-pattern application (Appendix No. 1).

2. Applications should be addressed to Director General or Operations Manager of NCSP and sent by mail, fax, or e-mail.

3. Freight owners or forwarding agents should file applications for each type of cargo separately.

4. When writing the applications for cargo transfer, consignors or forwarding agents should complete the application form in the following order:

The applicant specifies its full business name, mailing and legal addresses in the Introductory part of the application.

In item 1 — «Cargo description», industrial cargo description, direction of transshipment (export or import), cargo code of Foreign Economic Activity Commodity Nomenclature should be specified and, in case of hazardous cargo, code of Classification and Carriage of Dangerous Goods Regulations or Code for International Dangerous Goods Transportation should be specified correspondingly.

In item 1.2 — «General cargo description», type of packing, mass and overall dimensions of a freight piece, stowage factor, requirements to stowage, permissible height of stacking, special properties and other required information should be specified.

In item 1.3 «Availability of declarations and certificates», the following documents should be specified with their subsequent presentation:

• Certificate of carrying means of packing / palletization.
• Certificate of Stowage and Dunnage of cargo in packing units. Certificate of Cargo Fasteners.
• Certificate of Tare and Packing.
• Complete set of documents in compliance with international codes and regulations in force including Declaration of Conveying Characteristics and Safe Sea Carriage Conditions in case of hazardous cargo transshipment.
• In case of non-grain bulk cargos transshipment:

Cargo Quality Certificate or Passport with indication of full chemical and mineralogical composition (approved by manufacturer or other competent authority);

Certificate of Transport Characteristics of cargo as of the loading date;

Certificate of Sampling;

Hygiene Certificate or Radiation Control Certificate;

Certificate of Fire Safety (if required);

Certificate of Safety in compliance with Ð 50587-93 State Standard (GOST);

Declaration of Cargo Transport Characteristics;

Instructions for safe labor conditions during cargo transshipment. 

In item 2 «Period of arrival of cargo to port», a time gap within which the Customer anticipates to bring cargo to transshipment (first and last months of arrival of cargo to port) should be indicated.

In item 3 «Volume of transshipments», tonnage/volume of cargos planned to be transferred in the course of the year should be indicated, including cargo division by months

In item 4 «Volume of shipload lots», expected volume of shipload lots based on limitations set at the port (ship length — not more than 150 m , draft — not more than 8.5 m) should be indicated. Acceptance of deep-draft crafts should be preliminary agreed with the main control room of the port.

In item 5 «Requirements to storage of cargo», need for storage, volume of cargo expected for storage in port's storage facilities, storage conditions (open area, covered storehouse, special requirements) should be indicated.

In item 6 «Period and intensity of accumulation», a time gap of storage, volume of delivered/removed cargo lots and schedule of placing of transport vehicles to the port should be specified.

In item 7 «Type of delivery/ pickup of cargo to/from port», a type of vehicle (truck, railroad wagon, hopper- mineral wagon, hopper- grain wagon, covered wagon, open wagon, platform), expected to be used for delivery of export cargo to the port or pickup of import cargo from the port should be specified.

In item 8 «Contract relations with cooperating enterprises», the following documents and data should be specified with subsequent presentation of copies:

  • • in case of direct cargo transfer — an agreement concluded with Department of North-Caucasian Rail Road for storage of shipload lot loads on railroad approach tracks.
    • in case of grain cargos transfer through grail elevator — a contract concluded with Novorossiysk Grain Processing and Bakery Plant.

In item 9 «Consignor», full business name of consignor, consignor's location, telephone, fax numbers should be indicated.

In item 10 «Consignee», full description of consignee, consignee's location, telephone, fax should be indicated.

In item 11 «Forwarding agent», full business name of forwarding agent engaged in transport cargo tracking at port Novorossiysk, forwarding agent's location and contact details (telephone, fax numbers, e-mail, full name of CEO) should be indicated.

In item 12,  full business name of a legal entity (address, telephones and fax numbers, e-mail, banking details, codes — Taxpayer Identification Number, KPP code, codes of All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities Types, All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations), on behalf of which the contract will be signed should be indicated.

5. On the basis that the application is accepted by NCSP PJSC, the contract to confirm cargo transshipment will be signed. Applications not accepted by NCSP PJSC or accepted on certain conditions will be returned to applicants with proper substantiation of the taken decision.

Please, contact for more detailed information:

Joint Commercial Management of NCSP Group:

tel: +7 (8617) 60-22-08

e-mail: com@ncsp.com

NCSP may provide services at additional requests:

• Provision of berths for vessels’ idle stay, except oil-loading berths.
• Arrangement of works on deratization, gas freeing, disinfection, fumigation of cargoes and vessels;
• Cargo processing (repair of tare, packing, unpacking of cargo, etc.);
• Marking and re-marking of cargoes;
• Fresh water supply;
• Power supply to vessels, except the Oil Terminal;
• Telephone installation on board a vessel and connecting it to the shore telephone network, except the Oil Terminal;
• Provision of the vessels with sanitary facilities, garbage containers and disposal bags for dry waste;
• Removal from vessels of all kinds of wastage except ballast water;
• Provision of separation and lashing materials to cargo owners or shipowners;
• Arrangement of fumigation of wooden separation materials;
• Other works and services.


For further information, please, contact:

Joint Commercial Directorate of NCSP Group:

tel: +7 (8617) 60-22-08

e-mail: com@ncsp.com